we will use this site to present our selfmade videos about a go problem and the solution and how we think about it.
We will try to make at least one every month if possible and maybe sometimes we are able to make more or fulifill your wishes.
We hope that everyone will watch it and if there are questions or similiar things we hope to get good feedback.
Sorry for the bad soudn at the beginning. We are still learning with the video programm. The sound becomes clear at 0:008.
your Yunyuki Kirigaya aka Kiriya
presented by Moyunfuten Enterprises
Hi guys, while yunyuki is on an tournament and tries to improve his record and mental abilities here another try with the video programm. This time the sound starts with the programm.
But please forgive us, that we can record only 10 minutes at this moment. This stupid timelimit. limited my explanations and i always looked at the baord but was then still disabled...so sorry for the bad words at the end.
Like we said earlier we are tring to understand this programm and now also how we can use the time-limit better-
Still maybe some beginners who doesnt know the meaning of the 3rd or 4th line..can watch this...to have a first step of selfimprovment and we also wait for feedbacks.
Video: Whole Go Bard Problem 2
New Problem. Grasp the situation as Black to get a good result/ or a position where you have the advantage^^. I tried little explanation to see if i get the time correctly and tjis time i had enough time to close the video...maybe i get the right time feeling now..the right timing!
Solution again at the end of the video.
Video : Top european player Csaba Mero 6 Dan vs Christian Pop 7Dan Part 1
back in days of Shusaku it was common style to approach because of the missing komi back then though :-)