Well the story shows how important sleep or beiing awake is (if you want to see an example at animes Sket Dance episode 2 arc with the Kendo match) |
Hi everyone,
I am back from the tournament (without pictures I am sorry, still don´t have a camera) and I somehow managed a 2-3 result.
The tournament itself the *Berliner Kranich* was really fun and i had the time of my life yet again thanks to many friends I know from tournaments.
Well, I am sure you all are already wondering what the tournament was like :-)
I had to get up 5.00 am. in the morning ate and, travelled around 5 hours to Berlin. I was already dead tired as i arrived in Berlin (i got next to no sleep before and i don´t know why).
The first round came early and as i played and played, around 20 minutes into the game i fell asleep.
Yes, I was so tired that I fell asleep while playing :D .
Of course i somehow woke up after 10 minutes or so, but it seems that I played some moves while trying to get up and well I was killed overall on the board OO
Ah well the next game i was when half asleep and noticed the game was over
when my mind came back more or less.
Well, after that i somehow pulled 2 wins and lost the last round against possibly germanys strongest 1k.
But it is interesting to see that when you are tired or sleepy, you can play without restriction, but well you play without logic or reason as well (it might be interesting to research about this kind of state of mind)
That´s my report over the tournament,
which have been fun and interesting as I got to see my teacher (In-seong Hwang sungsengnim of the yunguseng dojang) again.
with regards Yunyuki Kirigaya |
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