Well this time i just thought i take some random looking picture and.... |
Well, playing go while listening to music is something for the new generation go players, that´s what i hear most of the time when I play go.
But first of all what one "NEVER" should do while playing at tournaments (for us from the new generation , which cannot play without music):
- saying good game and then immediatly start hearing music
- have your music on when your opponen arrives,
- start entwining your ear cabels while making your opponent wait,
- listen to the music at maximum strength to annoy everyone around you,
and finally the tipp tapping hand moving and shacking the body to the music while you.
As i said these should never be done.
It´s really important to ask first wether it´s okay or not to hear music (normaly they will allow it, but still it´s rude not to ask) (any kind of critism welcome if i left something out =) )
So that´s it for the etiquette part of this post and now let´s go back to the interesting part of it
How does music influence us ?
Effectively speaking it can be splitted in emotional affinity, subconscious affinity, logical affinity or (of course) just a diversion of your mind.
and the cool pictures will be more likely easier seen than my text^^ |
I should say first that as referenec you might like to read about this yourself in the book from Daniel J. Levitin and his work "this is your brain on music"
Did you all ever wonder why we like certain music ?
Well for that to explain it has to be understood first that the appreciation of music we have is deeply rooted with our ability to learn the underlying structure of the music.
That said, it is easier to understand if I say that we can predict what will happen next in the music and it does happen, which gives a feeling of pleasure.
Music is composed in a way that the creator can manipulate our expectations of what is going to happen in the music and therefore is skillfully manipulating us. (well there can be of course suprising effects in music , which make the music itself more interesting, therefore it can be said that as much as needed expectations need to be fullfilled but no more than that, because if it´s without suprise it get´s boring after some time )
To come back to the 3 sub parts of the effects of music, it can be said that the music needs to balanced between all 3 effects without beiing a diversion of your mind and affecting your game in a bad way.
emotional affinity, subconscious affinity, logical affinity :
emotional affinity
Music can influence our feelings in a good or bad way.
For example while you are depressed and you hear refreshing music, you can instantly cheer up, but the same is for feeling even more depressed or to fired up or going over the goal by a long shot.
That´s the emotional affinity which one haves with music.
That also means the right music will have a good effect while checking your mind and controlling it to stay calm.
Music will be an asset which will be very helpfull for this.
It should be said that the music should have repeating effects and and it should vary between flexibel music, fast and slow music.
For every situation there should be the right music to choose from.
It´s best to not have music with lyrics, which can disrupt you thought process.
Subconscious affinity
For this part there is an really easy example: make yourself feel like it is your own home.
This can be easy achieved, but it is really important.
The more you feel like you are at home, the more you are able to relax.
This is extremly helpfull, because it helps to make us less nervous and boosts our confidence.
It should be used in consideration because if you are to relaxed you might drop your guard in the game :-)
The way to achieve it, is to choose music which you hear often at home.
logical affinity
The most important affinity is the logical affinity.
You choose the music depending on your mood.
For this you choose songs you really like, which are most likely like I said above in the Exkurs "music which meets our expectations".
But sometimes you should use music against your mood as well.
I know this seems a bit strange but this can be helpfull too.
For example after sometime hearing the same music over and over in my games, I tend to not hear the music anymoew while playing (I don´t think that I am the only one whom this happens to).
Then i purposly choose a music to break my mood to help me concentrate more strongly on the game.
That effect is important because if you think over a long time about something or do something like playing go, you get after some time into a kinda routine mode which makes everything try to play the game itself only, but without goal.
Maybe the term playing the moves only but not thinking much anymore is better suited at this point. This state of mind can easily disrupted using music :-)
Well this only a small part and this time mostly concentrated on the good parts of music (you need to be carefull of the disadvantages as well)
But I am certain to say that music is helpfull while playing for both older and new generations of go players :-)
I hope you will like this article and comment much feedback,
with regards
Yunyuki Kirigaya
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