Hikaru no go | |||
The idea of this blog came, when I was speaking with a friend on how to do well in tournaments. Recently he had some problems with playing at his best, problems which I had myself before as well. For people who did the same mistakes as me, I want to help them overcome them and people who had different problems or similiar ones but other ways to overcome them, I hope they could share it with us on this blog, with best regards your Yunyuki Kirigaya aka kiriya
Friday, November 30, 2012
news update
it has not been a long time since i made this blog and this will be the first new month of this blog so I wanted to make sure you know about the updates I made yesterday.
I updated the links and games subsite and added new links .
As well a new post is already in work, so I will have to see when I will be finished with it.
That´s why look forward to it :-))))
I want to announce as well that some projects are planned which will be done if I have time. Well 2 projects are depending on the admins of this blog, which cultivate this blog together with me and the other project will for kyu players from 5k-30k be usefull i hope.
I hope as well for others join this blog and make it lively as well help gathering interesting and helpfull information and share it with others :-)
That´s why ;-)
Let´s see how many of the planned projects will be done in time :-)
sincerly your Admin Yunyuki Kirigaya aka kiriya
sincerly your Admin Yunyuki Kirigaya aka kiriya
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
randomness of pictures
path, where the six sides come together
Influence on playing go (music and so on)
But first of all what one "NEVER" should do while playing at tournaments (for us from the new generation , which cannot play without music): - saying good game and then immediatly start hearing music - have your music on when your opponen arrives, - start entwining your ear cabels while making your opponent wait, - listen to the music at maximum strength to annoy everyone around you, and finally the tipp tapping hand moving and shacking the body to the music while you. As i said these should never be done. It´s really important to ask first wether it´s okay or not to hear music (normaly they will allow it, but still it´s rude not to ask) (any kind of critism welcome if i left something out =) ) So that´s it for the etiquette part of this post and now let´s go back to the interesting part of it SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO How does music influence us ? Effectively speaking it can be splitted in emotional affinity, subconscious affinity, logical affinity or (of course) just a diversion of your mind.
I should say first that as referenec you might like to read about this yourself in the book from Daniel J. Levitin and his work "this is your brain on music" Did you all ever wonder why we like certain music ? Well for that to explain it has to be understood first that the appreciation of music we have is deeply rooted with our ability to learn the underlying structure of the music. That said, it is easier to understand if I say that we can predict what will happen next in the music and it does happen, which gives a feeling of pleasure. Music is composed in a way that the creator can manipulate our expectations of what is going to happen in the music and therefore is skillfully manipulating us. (well there can be of course suprising effects in music , which make the music itself more interesting, therefore it can be said that as much as needed expectations need to be fullfilled but no more than that, because if it´s without suprise it get´s boring after some time ) To come back to the 3 sub parts of the effects of music, it can be said that the music needs to balanced between all 3 effects without beiing a diversion of your mind and affecting your game in a bad way. emotional affinity, subconscious affinity, logical affinity : emotional affinity Music can influence our feelings in a good or bad way. For example while you are depressed and you hear refreshing music, you can instantly cheer up, but the same is for feeling even more depressed or to fired up or going over the goal by a long shot. That´s the emotional affinity which one haves with music. That also means the right music will have a good effect while checking your mind and controlling it to stay calm. Music will be an asset which will be very helpfull for this. It should be said that the music should have repeating effects and and it should vary between flexibel music, fast and slow music. For every situation there should be the right music to choose from. It´s best to not have music with lyrics, which can disrupt you thought process. Subconscious affinity For this part there is an really easy example: make yourself feel like it is your own home. This can be easy achieved, but it is really important. The more you feel like you are at home, the more you are able to relax. This is extremly helpfull, because it helps to make us less nervous and boosts our confidence. It should be used in consideration because if you are to relaxed you might drop your guard in the game :-) The way to achieve it, is to choose music which you hear often at home. logical affinity The most important affinity is the logical affinity. You choose the music depending on your mood. For this you choose songs you really like, which are most likely like I said above in the Exkurs "music which meets our expectations". But sometimes you should use music against your mood as well. I know this seems a bit strange but this can be helpfull too. For example after sometime hearing the same music over and over in my games, I tend to not hear the music anymoew while playing (I don´t think that I am the only one whom this happens to). Then i purposly choose a music to break my mood to help me concentrate more strongly on the game. That effect is important because if you think over a long time about something or do something like playing go, you get after some time into a kinda routine mode which makes everything try to play the game itself only, but without goal. Maybe the term playing the moves only but not thinking much anymore is better suited at this point. This state of mind can easily disrupted using music :-) Well this only a small part and this time mostly concentrated on the good parts of music (you need to be carefull of the disadvantages as well) But I am certain to say that music is helpfull while playing for both older and new generations of go players :-) I hope you will like this article and comment much feedback, with regards Yunyuki Kirigaya |
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
A funny random story
Sleeping is more important than you might think =) | |||||
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Go Video: 3rd and 4th Line in GO | |||
Friday, November 23, 2012
Video sub site | |||
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Meta go proverbs by a westerner
(An infamous?) famous for go players poem by Rudyard Kipling (1985) | |
1 If you can keep your head when all about you
2 Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, 3 If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you 4 But make allowance for their doubting too, 5 If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, 6 Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, 7 Or being hated, don't give way to hating, 8 And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
9 If you can dream -- and not make dreams your master,
10 If you can think -- and not make thoughts your aim; 11 If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster 12 And treat those two impostors just the same; 13 If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken 14 Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, 15 Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, 16 And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
17 If you can make one heap of all your winnings
18 And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss, 19 And lose, and start again at your beginnings 20 And never breath a word about your loss; 21 If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew 22 To serve your turn long after they are gone, 23 And so hold on when there is nothing in you 24 Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
25 If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
26 Or walk with kings -- nor lose the common touch, 27 If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; 28 If all men count with you, but none too much, 29 If you can fill the unforgiving minute 30 With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, 31 Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, 32 And -- which is more -- you'll be a Man, my son!
It´s using
(I think so at least by what I read about him) Zen like words in this poem (he
travelled around India and Japan).
It can be
seen as a poem which has go-proverbs useful for go player.
Go news | |||
Monday, November 19, 2012
3 kind of play-styles
The power-type, the option-type and the allrounder-type
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These 3 types have advantages as well as disadvantages inside their prospectiv rankings. In the long run playing go, normally many go players become the allrounder style, but there are many who never change their style, even after becoming real strong. For example the calm style of Yi Changho, which depends on calculating and calm observing, as well as waiting for a possible mistake of the opponent, which can be said to be an allrounder type. For example Lee Sedol can be said to be a power type among the pro players. That is because his opening seems to be lacking in strength against the other players, but with creativity and reading power, he can change most of his games to his favour. At last but not least, there is Hayashi Kozo, who is really famous among amateur players. He is a pro which belongs to the option type class player. He has a wide range of knowledge to choose from and is using that against his opponents. He uses a simple but effectiv step by step play, which containts almost no risks for playing, when he is winning. These are the 3 types and many of you will aready have the question:" why do I say something so obvious ?" For answering this question I have to say first, that many didn´t notice their own style or try to change it. There are many as well which say it is not like i said but it´s divided into aggressive playing, calm(flexible) playing and safe playing. But if you just go with that, there is bound to be trouble. Because what is a power type player to do without using his power because he is playing safe or a flexible player who isn´t playing flexibel or a aggressive player who can play solide but isn´t doing it, just because it isn´t his playing style. There is also the case of knowing your own weakness to overcome with this type of analyses which is better than the emotional analyses. That is because if one says during a review don´t be greedy or this was too aggressiv (which can al be true of course), it doesn´t give you very much after the review for the next game. It will help you understand why you played the mistake in your game, but it will not necessary help you with your next game the information about the emotional analyses. I think it´s more important to see the mistake itself (not in personality or style) but in the situation analyses itself (for example thhe focus was globaly on the board and still the answer was wrong). Then it will almost for sure mean that the analyses was wrong during the game or that the player didn´t knew that something could happen. If the player knows one has to play there to protect the group to safely win the game, but didn´t see it, then it´s different from beiing greedy. As well if one didn´t count then the chance is high that one didn´t knew that the points are not enough as one defended his territory (maybe even did one move more to protect even though there was nothing). That´s why instead of the generaly known emotional type analyses i want to suggest the capability analyses to be used more often. That´s of course only how I see it and doesn´t mean that i don´t see usefullness in the first meant analyses but for me the one (not sure if it existed before) but myself invented analyses is at least for me more usefull. Please try it our yourself and give feedback on this blog with kind regards Yunyuki Kirigaya |
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Go Probleme | |
The first video at one of our other sub pages is out. I hope you all will forgive the quality at the beginning as this is our first video and we are still double digit kyu players at making videos. I hope you all will stay tuned and are looking forward to the next video, which we hope will be better than the first one :-) http://badukyuki.blogspot.de/p/tsumegos.html The videos are a collaberation of me Yunyuki and Moin9 We hope you enjoy it and will get better with regards Yunyuki from Moyun futen enterprises |
Switching modus operandi personalia
The best way to getting used to it would be playing tournaments on a regular basis. Well, of course the hobby players like the most of us (myself as well) have not the time to play many tournaments (I myself am able to play 5-7 tournaments per year), but there are many other ways to play serious games, which i want to introduce today. I guess the most player like me love kgs (kiseido go server) and use it for playing go. There are rooms which have leagues and so on. For german player there is what´s called Bundesliga games which one can participate. There is the ASR = Advanced Study Room, where you can play in leagues for prices as well (all the time around the year) and yunguseng from inseong, which costs money but has really good services. Of course you can try to play ranked games there too with a serious mindset, but still if there is a price as reward for playing, then it will rise your motivation more than leveling your rank =) There is for sure many more tournaments (like iron tournament or what it is called from kgs plus), so it´s worth looking into it and trying it out. It will definitly help you to getting used to switching between work mode and battle mode for tournaments As the saying goes: the more you battle, the better you get. Humas are live forms which have high adapting attitude :-) |
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Instinct and Reason Part 2
Ways on how to use it
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Baduk is a game where one needs strong mentality, that´s generaly for sports like Tennis as well a building point. Especially the more mental pressure in a game, the more you need to remain calm (and I think everyone will agree on this). But the question is: how can i go into battle mode and get serious all of a sudden, how can i beat my nervousness, how can i play at my best all the time if it is needed (with exception of beiing ill like having the flu, a cold etc.) Of course first thing is enough sleep and and before the game a small excercice for the body as well as some easy tsumego will help you relax before the game and let´s your blood better circulate. It is helpfull to sit down and then stand up and go around as well (same reason as above and useable for job interviews in the waiting room, but don´t do it in the personal room waiting for the interviewer because you will get horrible nervous having to stand up and shaking his hand etc.) Ok, got distracted from the main theme ^^ One way is the way of the "power of memory". That´s what the people playing sports at tournament level are doing (and at higher level like pros etc. as well). It´s also called Changing the modi operandi of the personalia. Generaly there are only few modi. which we use: love mode, work mode, battle mode and the relax mode. The problem is to change between them is not that easy, because every mode has sub modes which lead to beiing stuck to one mode while needing the other one (you can kinda say like the hero has alsways the disadvantage in mangas, because he has to get into fighting mode like in kenichi the strongest disple). That´s where you use your memorys, recreating the moments were you going all out during a game (environment, smell, person, colors, your meal before, the wather, small talk, your own feelings at that day, the tingling atmoshpere surrounding the game) and use it to change into battle mode. This needs to be practiced of course to be usefull. Antoher way is to hype yourself up with watching at pro games (but becarefull this can backfire depending on the game you watched). Another way would beto want to play with reason and instinct (forgetting to want to win, but this is the most difficult way and most likely one way I will never be able to do, cause if I play then I want to win of course). But the easiest way to get into Battle mode is getting addicted to the thrill of the game (not that I am supporting addiction, but people who once tasted the thrill are the ones which play it for live trying to feel it again and again). |
Instinct and reason
Instinct and Reason |
Well that´s true as well but we already talked about this in earlier topics. So I will challenge this time a general problem again of many go sportlers (players).
It´s the "2 Person or Reason vs Instinct problem".
I am sure most of you have at some point noticed this problem.
It´s when you play unlike normal, more safe or aggressiv moves (not depending on the game) but on your emotional level.
If you want to win i already said that it will influence your game but there is a reason as well why it influences your game.
To be blunt: It´s about doubting the otherself.
An example what I mean: You don´t make the normal move you did 1000 of times but play a different move which seems safer but is lacking in power.
If you think about it different, it th e same as trying to shoot a serve but then you use less power on the serve to make the shoot more accurat (while serve is less accurat and powerfull than normal).
In go it happens often that one doubts his instincts.
That´s why in games where you really want to win, you try deny your instinct and go back on theories or logic to to make your moves. But ignoring instinct is as hurtfull as ignoring reason.
What most players call instinct or feeling in baduk is almost everytime data about the game (let´s call it experience), which is helping us in the game for problems.
It can tell us wether there is danger lurking around or if there is one vital spot at the enemys point to attack.
But you need logic as well to get the timing of the moves right and reading strenght to use your instinct to the utmost limits.That´s why don distrust your instinct and don´t depend on it but use it wise. For most players it´s a strong weapon (those with much playing experience or tsumego training) and it´s usefull for stronger and so as well for weaker players as well because it needs to be trained, to make instant jugdes on the game.
My friend will try it out today to play using both and not ignoring his instincts and i hope it will go well.
I am sure there are other views on this thema as well (this is only one view after all) but as i think about go as a sport game, i don´t think that my view is either right or wrong (i hope it will be helpfull to other people), so will be happy to hear comments about this and other themes from go players :-)
finishing the game!!! |
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if both work together, something incredible can happen |
with regards Yunyuki Kirigaya
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
A chinese way to see the world
Ma Xiaochun |
Well it has nothing to do with getting better at go, but simply using your latent strenght, which a go player has to it´s maximum.
Some will question now, yeah, but how are we gonna do it?
Answer: "Ever seen hikaru no go and watched Isumi getting stronger in China ?"
Many Go players like the charakter Isumi from Hikaru no go
Go is a Mind sport! Which means mentaly instability leads to play most likely not as good as one might could play and I want to show ways of thinking on how you can do it.
Not becoming better, but using what you really can do if you set your mind to it, then you can do it!!!!!!!!!
It should be obvious but i will say it anyway:
The european and chinese players think differently when playing go.
I don´t mean because of strenght or experience in the game.
One might say it´s the way they have grown up in their country (for example girls drinking hot water while we all drink normal cold water, was quite the cultur shock for a friend of mine^^)
But well, how do the asian people think?
An essay from Elisabeth Papineau *A Chinese Way of seeing the world*, in there Roger Caillois states the following:
"Along with music, calligraphy and painting, the Chinese place the
game of draughts and the game of chess among the four disciplines
that a learned man must practice. They believe that these games
train the intellect to take pleasure in the multiple answers,
combinations and surprises which spring forth continuously from
constantly new situations. Aggression is said to be calmed, while the
soul learns serenity, harmony, and the joy of contemplating
possibilities. Without any doubt, this is a mark of civilization [...].
Societies which are full of hustle and bustle, whether they be
Australian, American or African, are societies which are also
dominated by the mask and by possession, which is to say by
mimicry and the ilinx: conversely, the Incas, the Assyrians, the
Chinese and the Romans present ordered societies, with offices and
careers, with codes and scales, with controlled and hierarchical
privileges, where competition and chance, which is to say in this
context, merit and birth, appear as the primary and complementary
elements of social interplay."
4 Arts of men, harmony, calmness, social interplay, competition and possesion are few of many key words in this short statement
The chinese way of thinking can be described as thinking around corners.
While we think directly and localy in the game, they think more globaly. It´s not about thinking ahead or thinking more complex, but more about why should i play there if i can play somewhere else first, maybe that move even helps later wanted local move.
A bit confusing how i am saying it right? Let me say it differently in a more picture like way:
attack the west before you attack the east (if you want to attack the east in the first place of course). It´s a popular military saying of chinese of the old days and was also used by Ma xiao in the 36 strategems.
But there is an easier way to understand it:
To get hold of the father, try to get in the favour of the mother first for a successfull wedding.
This way of thinking is widely the nature of chinese go players and it shows in their go games itself as well.
Mental training 1
After in my last article explained philosophy , I invented myself a * how to train your mentality* for playing in tournaments or for important matches.
The first key point is repeated excercise.
It´s obvious if you think about itm but where lies the self esteem while playing, where doews the confidence lies when playing.
It´s not our ranking and not the count on how many games we have won, but the things we know we can do well.
For example learn basic patterns or study certain fusekis bfore tournaments or repeat josekis or study certain josekis for the use of it in a tournament.
It not only gives an boost in selfconfindence but even helps one playing in a level above his normal self.
Why you ask?
because we would by then know what we want to play if it happens or becomes similiar. That´s because we thought about it a long time to prepare for it and this gives us a safety feeling if comes down to what is expected.
Of course the possibility of something else happening in the game is high, but!!!!!!!
that doesn´t mean that preparations were for naught.
If something else happens, it´s only outside of the predictions but not outside of the game, the way one practices and studies before a tournament can by applied during a game as well and because one did study beforhand, it becomes easier to think during the game itself :-)
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Even if you are weak as long as you practice certain situations... |
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you will be able to handle similiar ones with confidence and even beat someone stronger |
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with the wrong mindset you will have many problems but.... |
somday i want to reach 1dan.
Dan a goal for most players and while thinking of it, they play and play and play, learn, read go books, solve tsumego and play even more and once they don´t seem to go forward, they lose interest or get frustrated.
But is that really the way to play go?
Isn´t there some other way or believe on should follow to become better ?
Do you really want to live by the saying:" Live is a game so level up"
I don´t think so.
I myself play go since 4 years and the first 2 years i was stuck at 10k, and as i thought i had gotten better in the first year, i lost in a tournament quite bad with the same ranking.
I didn´t level up , i didn´t even hold the ranking i had in the first place.
I wanted to quit and stop playing go, but then i thought, why should i stop my most loved hobby and sport Baduk/Go/Weiqi because i didn´t get better, just because i LOST, there is no reason to stop playing go ,was what i thought a few months later.
I changed my way of thinking:
I don´t want to get better--> I want to become good
I don´t need to win oustanding and crush my opponent, it´s more important to learn new things about the game and try new things and learn basics to understand the game even more.
That´s my go philosophy.
I want to know more about the game itself instead of trying to get stronger just for defeating someone or getting stronger.
2 years after I changed my way of thinking i got to 1k
Don´t play for getting stronger but play for knowing more about the game.
For understanding the real thrill , which only the strongest players can understand.
In the process becoming better or worse but steadly progressing.
That´s what i think go should be about in the mental philosophical way of playing it
That´s what i think go should be about in the mental philosophical way of playing it
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if you can face them head on and fight them..... |
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this is what can happen ;-) (win) |
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make your weakness your greatest weapon |
Mental training 2
Mental training 3
The last way of my invented way of mentality training for tournaments.
or staring at the opponent |
The last way of my invented way of mentality training for tournaments.
try to find yourself a routine action during a game.
It is scientifically proven that sport players have routines during their game to maintain their mental balance.
Why does it need to balanced in the first place?
it is to relax the body and mind.
because before the game the body stiffens up and relaxes during the game, one will most likely play better as the game goes on, but during the game itself, it will happend that their is a fight doing on and one sees red without noticing it.
That´s why to relax the mind during the game or so to say to bring the balance to the state from the start of the game, you can use a routine to make this happen.
It will let your body remember unconsciously the way it was a the beginning and will almost automatically let you relax and calm your mind. It also helps rembering the first priority you have (winning) and will therefore help to condition yourself during the game and even is able to check yourself and controll your emotions during a game with it.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Mentality of playing Baduk
Jeder Go- Spieler kennt das Gefühl, man wird nicht besser, man spielt viel und verliert umso häufiger und das eigene Frustrationslevel schießt in die höhe.
Nun was soll man machen um das zu bessern, welche Einstellung braucht man um Stabil gut zu spielen und wie kann man dies erreichen.
Die balance um diesen Kopfsport unter sportlicher/philosophischer und Erfahrungstechnischer Betrachtung möchte ich hier diskutieren und versuchen einen Guideline zu entwickeln für Spieler die das als Sport erstnehmen wollen.
Every go players knows the feeling of not getting better. No matter how many times one plays and plays and plays and the more you lose other time , the more your frustration reaches it´s limit thinking on how you don´t want to play go anymore.
What to do to get better or rather how to think to get stronger, play more stable go and consistently while becoming better.
The balance of this mind sport and how to reach this kind of thinking in a philosophical way experience way and sports tournament like way is the main topic of this blog. I want everyone to share their thoughts and try to show their train of thoughts to make a guideline for mental training. I want to encourage the players which view go/baduk/weiqi as a sport and not only as hobby in this blog to share their thoughts on this theme.
Wir Werden verschiedene Themen und Beispiele durchnehmen,
Ansichten aus Profi-Sport beispielen nehmen und Zitate von
Essays und Büchern von Go-Profis nehmen,
Ich will auch dazu anregen das andere ihre Meinungen über
das Thema äußern und vor allem für einen regen Diskurs und austausch an
Informationen sorgen, welcher in Europa nicht so gut vorhanden ist wie in
Japan, China oder Korea.
Zu letzt will ich drauf hinweisen das jegliche Art von
Unsittlichkeit und oder Themen außerhalb des Blogs unerwünscht sind!
Vielen Dank und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Go-blog
mit freundlichen grüßen
Ihr Admin Yunyuki Kirigaya
I want to talk about many different themes and examples,
with profi games as examples or self invented thesis and
ways to think and essays on the ways to see the world.
I want to encourage the serious wanting to get stronger go
players to share their thoughts on these themes, ask them for suggestions as well,
and hope for a rich discussion among us all. I hope for Korean Japanese and
Chinese help as well, because the information you can get in europa is
limited and many times it´s old or even wrong, so i hope for many discussion
and many interesting topics as well information about the game and ways to
At least i want to say that any breach of common etiquette
like bullying others or speaking ill of others as well as beiing rude is not
approved of here.
I welcome you to this blog
with kind regards
your Admin Yunyuki Kirigaya
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