
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Report about Go History in an area of germany

A written down memory about Go in Mecklenburg Vorpommen by Uwe Richter and others (but don´t know who all; translation by Yunyuki)

a picture to set the right mood

Hi all,
as I was thinking about what to write next I was asking friends of mine about Go material or stuff I could write an report about.
I got this link Mecklenburg-Vorpommen Go history
It´s a german written story about how go started in Mecklenburg- Vorpommen.
I thought it might be interesting , which is the reason I am going to translate and post it here.
I hope you will all have fun with the translation i did (it might be not 100% perfect as I am native German, so I apologize about any wrong translations).

The specific time of the first time playing go in Rostock a town in the north of Germany is unknown.
The estimated time is around 1972.
That time Eberhard Perlick a doctor who lived in Eberswalde who was from an group chess players of the HSG University Rostock explained the rules of the game called Baduk to other people. After a short time he did find 5 people. Out of the 5 Hans-Eckart Lüthke is the one most active among the 5 for me known right now to this day.
They went on a trip to jena and played on a tournament there.
It was back then a really big highlight for the go players.
The chess section of the group with Doctor Perlick at its core, was gone, after many people moved away due to finishing studying at the University.

A new start for go was around the 80´s .

The fist Go groupd was founded by Dr. Poldi Winkler in the winter of 85/86 in Rostock.
It had 3 members at the start but 1 more member was found really quickly.
First they played in the green Monster "grünen Ungeheuer", which was on the opposite site of the train station.

It was also the first notice of go in Rostock by the the local go newspaper  "Go-Mitteilungen der DDR" or short GoM.
Next is a row of archievements of different local go players at tournaments.
Important notice should be that around that time the strength  were from 1k-27k.

After a bit of personal history of  Uwe Richter and his go life until he met the go-group in Rostock in 1988.
In the newspapers "Ostsee-Zeitung" on the 30./31.05 was the notice for a go tournament for beginners and more advanced ones in the area of go.
At that time  a 5dan Malte Schuster was coming to that tournament as well.

The tournament was a great success. Uwer himself didnt play in the tournament but he played many simultan games with other players and learned the fun of go and its endless deepth and its elegance.
His most vivid memory about go was in Hamburg.
There was a trunk man in the room was asking a funny question and then started a game with Uwe.
Uwe wanted to give him a handy cap of 9 stones. But the  trunk man was a bit faster than him and grabbed the white stones and said its fine like this.
As the game went on, Uwe was crushed by the trunk man who finally showed his true colours as a go player from Hamburg called Michael Katscher 5dan.
Michael and a friend of him visited  around that time often the Baduk evenings in Rostock.

After the home of this go group at the"BSG Agrochemie" was dismissed, the go-group had to move many times until it was not longer seen for a long time.

Around the 90´s was a second wave of go players lead by Heinz Postulka in the town "Schwerin", where the second go group in Mecklenburg Vorpommern was founded to the knowledge of the writter Uwe Richter.

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