
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

joseki corner Epsiode 2 a star point Joseki

simple josekis are scary =)

Hi everyone, it is a new episode of the joseki corner :-)

For today i choose a rather simple one which has a lot of middle game variations to know when beiing played.

I hope oyu all have fun with it  and enjoy it

your admin Yunyuki Kirigaya aka Kiriya


Why do I lose when the other one is weaker?

Hi everyone,

first of all  I am going to tackle you today with the theme of how important mentality is while playing a sport like Baduk or Table tennis and so on.

I got this interesting link about this theme from a friend, who plays go for years and got to 2-3dan.

He also noticed firsthand how the pressure while playing is influencing his games against other dan players.

I have to agree with that. Recently everything is going wrong around me and as I played my last Baduk tournament again as 1k i lost  every game.

I cant say for sure that it was only because I was feeling down about everything that went wrong in the last months of my life, but it definitly is part of the reason why I lost so badly in the last tournament.

But even minor things can set off an unbalance of your concentration therefore I can only point out right now that it happens from time to time.

If it happened  and everything went wrong don´t try to break the situation forcefully. In most cases that way makes everything even worse.

You have to regain your mood always step by step.

that´s about all i can say about it here a second link which i got as well

I hope all of you will have a good day,

your admin yunyuki Kirigaya aka Kiriya